Do you love crispy chocolate cookies? I know I am always writing, that baking isn’t my thing and low carb should be kept simple and with fewer substitutes as far as possible. And I still mean it. But the truth is, as I am not baking the whole year long, I am crazy about as Christmas is coming. Actually, I guess that has a little bit to do with my nationality. We Czechs are baking tons of Christmas pastry.
Last year was our first Christmas without chocolate cookies. It had many reasons. It was my first year of low carb, and though my kids nor my husband are 100% low carb, I try to avoid eating them white sugar and flour. Then I had only a few months left before state exam, so all free time I spend with learning. And third reason was we just moved to Thailand, and I still wasn’t so familiar with where to buy all the products, as eating low carb in Asia isn’t the easiest. On the one hand, you have easy access to fresh seafood, but stuff like bacon, dried ham, and all the milk products are incredibly expensive here.
But exams are done, after one year in Thailand I’ve found my resources, and I’ve started to share my recipes with you guys, so there isn’t a better time to figure out some low carb version for my favorite Christmas bakery. But I have to warn you these cookies are so delicious they won’t last longer than few minutes. So if you are planning to bake those chocolate cookies for Christmas, do it secretly in the night and hide them very well!
Sugar-free low carb sweets like chocolate cookies are also a good way how to welcome your next not low carb visit. You show them that life without sugar is simple and they won’t dispose of gossips, that you haven’t served sweets to coffee :) And who knows, maybe they will fell in love with your cookies and decide to change their eating lifestyle too. It is actually funny because many people eating low carb I know keep telling about the difficulties they have to handle in their daily lives because of other people still questioning them about their lifestyle. I experience exactly the opposite. Usually, people get very curious about how I eat, and some of them even change their eating habits themselves.

2 cup almond flour
1 egg
80 g / 3 oz chocolate 80% +
80 g / 3 oz pecan nuts
1/4 cup coconut milk
3 tbsp butter
1 drop Vanilla extract (not more, it is powerful!)
1/2 tsp baking soda
Low carb sweetener (I use Erythritol)
- Preheat oven to 175°C (350°F). Line a baking pan with parchment paper. Put the butter for 30 seconds to melt, but it shouldn't get hot.
- In a bowl mix all dry ingredients. (Almond low carb flour, sweetener, and baking soda).
- In another large bowl whisk egg with coconut milk, vanilla extract, and thawed butter.
- Cut chocolate and pecan nuts into small pieces.
- Stir the dry ingredients into the flour mix, add chocolate with nuts and combine them into the dough with your hands.
- Roll the dough to small balls and place them on the tray and squeeze them a little.
- Bake between 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
- Let them cool and serve or keep them in an airtight container to keep them crispy.