Home » Chicken Liver Czech Style

Chicken Liver Czech Style

by Lucie
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chicken liver recipe

Chicken liver is my favorite recipe since I was a kid. It is typical Czech, as I promised you an international kitchen :) I know many people (including my husband), that don’t like animal guts. But that is a pity for several reasons. They are cheap, healthy and easily available and to prepare. And from all the liver, the chicken one has the least bold taste. So they are a great start if you want to give guts a chance.

While earlier meat belonged only on a festive table, today the situation has turned. Modern populations suffer from an excess of everything: not only carbohydrates and fats but also proteins. On the other side, not everyone is able, willing or prepared to pay a relatively high price for high-quality meat. So is there any other way not to spend on first-class meat but also not have to buy cheated food? Sure. It is always possible to buy less desirable pieces of meat at a lower price. And even if the price is still high, there are still guts. These are the surpluses sometimes they are left by the butchers at the slaughterhouse. And you will enjoy them as well as meat if you know how to prepare them.

Of all the liver, the chicken will provide the finest and least aggressive taste. From vitamins chicken liver mainly contains in fat-soluble vitamin D and from minerals iron and zinc. Healthy benefits affect mostly the brain, heart, and intestines. Shrunk and underlined: sometimes it is good to give them at least a small chance despite possible hostility. It will not cost you more than a few minutes and a few dollars (doesn’t include the concealing or bargaining at the table).

After purchase, you should not store the chicken liver in the fridge for too long, as they are subject to rapid perish. You could find occasional remnants of fat and veins, so take a better look at every piece before using and cut off anything you do not like. Only then rinse gently and if possible dry them on a paper towel.

Chicken liver welcomes short and quick treatment. You should warm them until they stop being raw inside, the current hygienic standard recommends not to stop even with the pink inner color but make the liver up to brown. On the heated skillet, it takes around five minutes. Every second minute in the pan, the chicken liver loses little of its best condition, but that does not mean that you can not chop them for a while in the sauce.

low carb recipe for chicken liver czech style

The easiest way to make sure your liver is cooked is to take a piece, cut it and see what color it has inside. Dark pink means raw liver, pink says that if you wield your hand over the dangers of possible infection, you can serve, brown is the proof of complete prosperity.

chicken liver recipe

Chicken Liver: A Recipe For A Czech Style Low Carb Meal

Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 4.5/5
( 2 voted )


60 g / 2 oz chopped onion
500 g / 17,5 oz chicken liver
200 g / 7 oz Chinese cabbage
120 g / 4,5 oz bacon
1 garlic clove pressed
3 pieces of spring onion
Fresh parsley, salt, pepper
Olive oil


  1. Wash the chicken livers, get rid of the fat if it has and cut them to half.
  2. Pat dry with kitchen paper.
  3. Chop the Chinese cabbage into small stripes.
  4. Slice both onions finely.
  5. Slice the bacon finely in cubes.
  6. Take a big frying pan, heat the olive oil and put the sliced onions and garlic and fry 2 minutes.
  7. Add bacon and fry until it is golden.
  8. You can turn the heat low and add the chopped cabbage. Stirring continuously cook around 10 minutes until the cabbage is tender.
  9. Add livers, salt and pepper them and fry under medium heat another five minutes.

Serve with fresh, minced parsley.

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Joy March 17, 2019 - 11:27 am

I can’t wait to try this recipe! Are frozen chicken livers fine to use? Thank you!

Lucie March 19, 2019 - 3:03 am

Hey Joy, sure, frozen is no problem. Only make sure that they are well defrosted before putting them on a pan ☺


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