Many people who despite eating low carb eat for breakfast, that means three times a day, are usually confused after a while, what to eat. I am not saying eating three times a day is something bad. No way, it’s not! I only mean, it may be for someone, who needs to eat at 6 a.m. before going to work challenging to be always innovative and morning meals can get boring quickly. No wonder, before LC people are mostly used to eat bread, oats or cheerios with milk, fruits or some sweet pastries. None of that is possible in low carb. Sure you could bake low carb bread or pastries every day, but that isn’t the point of this lifestyle. On the other hand, I can imagine, nobody is into eating so early in the morning steak with low carb vegetables.
Egg muffins are the perfect option for a quick, delicious and nutritional very rich breakfast, which will satisfy you until lunch and gives you a lot of energy. I eat only twice a day, around 1 pm and 7 pm, so I skip breakfast, but sometimes I am either lazy to cook some complicated meals, or I just want to eat “breakfast,” and I go for eggs, bacon or similar. The good thing with muffins is that you can bake them an evening before, or you prepare the mixture the day before and put them in the oven in the morning while getting done your morning rituals. So or so, it won’t steel lot of your time, I promise.
I use a cupcake/muffin tray, but if you don’t have one, you’ll get along with paper muffin cups. I invented this recipe on that typical day, where you open your fridge and close it again because you find nothing and realize shopping is a must. But hunger was more important, so I took out almost everything, what was left inside and luckily there were eggs in between. And it turned out to be delicious. Even my husband, his eating habits are unique (he only eats for dinner) ate me half.

1/2 grated zucchini
4 eggs
2 tomatoes
100 g / 3 1/2 grated mozzarella
2 tablespoon minced fresh parsley (optionally)
Salt, pepper, olive oil
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees (180-celsius degrees).
- Cut the tomatoes in small, half inches (1 cm) cubes.
- Whisk the eggs, add tomatoes, grated zucchini, mozzarella, parsley and salt with pepper and mix well.
- Spray a muffin tin with olive oil (no need to spray the paper cups).
- Pour the egg mixture into each compartment.
- Bake for 15 minutes.
- Let the muffins cool, before taking them out of tray/cups, avoiding breaking them.
- Serve :)