Almost everyone who switched to Low Carb realized, getting addicted at least with one LC food. I mean it is not so hard with all the delicious possibilities we have. As I said, there are more ways of healthy eating, but for me, only low carb is so colorful. I am addicted to Zoodles! Don’t know what it is? Zoodles are a combination out of two words: Zucchini and noodles :)
Before I started with the LC lifestyle, I couldn’t get enough of Italian food. Pasta of all kinds, pizza, cheese, and olives and lot more. Except for pasta and pizza, I didn’t have to farewell any of those. I never missed pizza, though I really missed my old, good pasta. On the internet, you will probably find few recipes for keto noodles, not including flour. I also already tried a few of them, but usually, they contain so many fats and still don’t give me the feeling of eating pasta. What we shouldn’t forget, this eating style is based on fats, but as in any other “diet,” the calorie intake is crucial while reducing weight.
Back to zoodles. I love them! They replaced my pasta passion. I eat them at least twice a week and combine them with all possible sauces. But my winner is zoodles with prawns, as prawns are my very favorite seafood. Especially in places like Thailand, where you get those fresh from the market for little money. I wasn’t used to it from my home country.
How to make Zoodles
There are more ways to prepare zoodles. I am making noodles out of vegetables more often, so I bought a noodle maker machine. The advantage of this machine is, it deals with all different types and shapes of veggies. Before I had only the spiralizer, this one is enough for zucchini and cucumber for example but is almost impossible to make noodles out of carrots or other low carb veggies their shape isn’t equal. There is also the possibility to use a vegetable peeler only the noodles will have an irregular shape and will have more form of a linguini. A knife would also be an option, but I would try to avoid it. The chance of cutting yourself before creating some slices, which reminds of noodles only from a distance, is pretty high. Believe me, I already tried :)

300 g / 10 1/2 ounces prawns (weight after cleaning)
400 g / 14 ounces zucchini (two pieces)
150 ml / 2/3 cup whipped cream (has more fats and fewer carbs than cooking cream)
5 cloves garlic
50 g / 2 ounces grated parmesan
2 tablespoon olive oil
Salt, pepper, chili
- Clean the prawns if needed.
- Wash the zucchini and create noodles. (How to make them in the article above).
- Preheat oil with three garlic cloves in a skillet and when hot add the zucchini noodles and salt.
- Gently stir not longer than 3 minutes to keep al dente, remove from heat.
- Chop the remaining garlic cloves finely.
- Preheat oil in another skillet, add garlic and stir 30 seconds, then add prawns. Cook from both sides until pink. (Usually not longer than one minute for one side, otherwise they will get too dry).
- Remove prawns with kitchen tongs from the skillet, put them in a bowl.
- Use the prawn skillet for making the sauce. The rests create the perfect taste. You only need to add whipped cream and stir until everything connects.
- Mix zoodles, prawns, and sauce on a plate and sprinkle with grated parmesan.
- Bon appetit!